A range of Foot Orthotics and Socks to Offload Pressure, Stop Shear and Stimulate Blood Flow.
A pocket-sized disposable device for testing the integrity of sensation in the outpatient setting
F. L. Bowling l C.A. Abbott l W.E. Harris l S. Atanasov l R.A. Malik l A.J.M. Boulton
DIABETICMedicine (June 2012)
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, one of the most common chronic complications, may be asymptomatic in up to 50% of cases.
Clinical evaluation of a new device in the assessment of peripheral sensory neuropathy in diabetes
N. Bracewell l F. Game l W. Jeffcoate l B. E. Scammell
DIABETICMedicine (June 2012)
Long-term complications of diabetes, such as foot disease,are costly and consume approximately 5% of National Health Care expenditure.
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